What Can the U.S. Learn from the Japanese Health Care System?

I wanted to continue my discussion on the Japanese health care philosophy a bit more because it teaches us a valuable lesson. In Japan the smoking and drinking rates are higher than in the U.S. but they are healthier. That doesn’t make sense, but it does when you look at how they use health care.

In Japan, technology (very expensive) is used only to diagnose. The care is left up to the family members. People are cared for at home. There is something to be said about loving relatives happy to be there in the comfort of one’s home with good home cooking and probably natural remedies.

This makes a lot of sense to Vital Aging Enthusiasts who understand a hospital stay doesn’t make you healthy. It gets you out of a crisis situation but the “homework” done upon discharge is what leads to a recovery and impacts your future health.

Lifestyle counts and it takes a decision along with a desire to take the necessary action to keep it in balance. The best part is….once someone’s been in a routine it really is fun. It feels good to take charge of your health.

This is how Vital Aging works. You are the leader, and the army of your own health. The Vital Aging Protocol is very simple to implement, needs no doctors orders, and you do it everyday. You can teach it to yourself with my 12 week home study course. It’s about taking charge with information that will empower you.

Here is the Japanese vs. U.S. health care article.   I hope it inspires you and convinces you that you have a lot of control over your health.

Thinking about the Vital Aging Protocol

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Published in: on August 18, 2010 at 10:17 pm  Leave a Comment  

Which Disease Camp Should Get More?

The Associated Press published a story about cancer being the costliest disease.  The interesting part is the mention of the amount of money allocated for disease causes such as prevention.  More money is spent on contagious diseases and the “sibling rivalry” continues.

A different take on the whole disease-money spectrum is this: since the disease process is basically the same, why don’t we concentrate on building up the body.  Fragmenting ourselves by having thousands of organizations focused on specific diseases has not really made a dent in life saving.  Cancer is one example; it is still the leading cause of death.  But wait a minute, if you go to the CDC website, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S.  Maybe we are spending too much on cancer in the U.S.

Let’s get back to Vital Aging. 

The AP article said cancer hits people when they are young, but heart disease is common in the older population.  Isn’t the prevention advice the same for both?  We’re told to eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid processed foods and exercise. 

Let’s look at the Japanese health system.  Smoking and drinking rates are higher in Japan than in the U.S. but they are still healthier.   Their philosophy is much different, however.  The Japanese rely on technology for diagnosising and measuring progress.  Their treatment protocols are more hands on: meaning natural and in the home with family being the care givers.  In the U.S. we not only apply technology for diagnosing but for treating, as well.  It has not turned out to be as useful for us. 

Good old fashioned prevention practices are better for us.  And science is proving it!  That is why the Vital Aging Protocol is  cutting edge and affordable. 

Since home care is so much better than institutionalized care, I am bringing Vital Aging to your home:


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Published in: on August 17, 2010 at 10:10 am  Leave a Comment