Mercury, Aging, and Inability to Fight Disease

Anything that slows us down is causing unhealthy aging.  I say unhealthy aging because we will all age.  I just prefer it to be Vital Aging.  As I was looking for more articles on growth hormone I came across this interview Suzanne Somers did with Dr. Galitzer and the mention of mercury caught my attention.

Suzanne Somers: Why do we lose energy as we age? Where does it go?

Dr. Michael Galitzer: It’s spiritual and physical. Physically we are exposed to way too many toxins from the environment. We are exposed to heavy metals; lead, cadmium, mercury, from both the environment and leakage from silver-amalgam dental fillings. This exposure is a major, major problem. As an example, I saw a patient, who, two years ago, had accidentally swallowed a mercury filling while eating, and about a year later he started having rectal bleeding. His doctors didn’t know what was wrong with him. They finally had to take him to the operating room, and when they opened him up there was this huge cancer in the small intestine, and inside the cancer was the mercury filling. Mercury is the number one toxin, even more significant than lead. As a society we are inundated with heavy metals, and it’s making us sick. In anti-aging medicine we work to detoxify the body of these heavy metals.

Exposure to toxins and then getting them trapped in the body is a huge problem that creates health issues.  The problem is we can treat the health concern but the toxin is not released so a person’s health will just get worse. 

The Vital Aging Protocol is based on the science of aging.  If our bodies are breaking down, we cannot self heal from disease.  And that means any disease. 

Toxins throwing hormones off  track is one reason we age in an unhealthy manner as Dr. Galitzer continues:

Dr. Michael Galitzer: Well as I see it it’s like a basketball game. The 6 players on the team are testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, pancreas, thyroid and adrenal. My job is getting those players to play well together. That’s the key. That’s the art form.

Did you know nutritional cleansing is a very effective and inexpensive way to detox?  Learn more about it with the Vital Aging Protocol.

Read Suzannes’ Article Link Here

Published in: on July 25, 2010 at 2:59 pm  Leave a Comment  

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